At Charlton Manor Primary School, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils, staff and parents. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is a high priority and that everybody has an active role to play. On this page you will find our mental health and wellbeing policy, our mental health and wellbeing strategy and information on how to support your child and/or yourself in maintaining positive mental health and wellbeing.
Click here to see our Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy.
Where to find support for mental health and wellbeing
Time to Talk is part of a national programme called Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT). It is for people with mild problems of anxiety or depression who are motivated to work to change the problem. Their team of therapists are based in Eltham, but can see patients at other centres throughout the borough.
Greenwich Time to Talk offers free psychological treatment as recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for anxiety and depression. This is mainly cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and counselling. They can help you learn ways to help yourself so that you feel more able to cope with your problems.
Greenwich Time to Talk offers support for people over 16 and also provide a specific service for 16 and 17 year olds. Click here to visit their website.
MIND provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. Click here to visit their website.
Youth Wellbeing Directory Youth Wellbeing Directory is a directory of free mental health services across the UK. Find free mental health support local to you on the Youth Wellbeing Directory. Click here to visit their website.
Nip in the Bud Information and advice on children's mental health conditions. Click here to visit their website.
Believe in Children Supporting children with mental health and emotional wellbeing. Click here to visit their website.
Children's Mental Health Week Provide free resources and tips for parents/carers supporting children with mental health and wellbeing. Click here to visit their website.
Man Up Mental health support for men. Click here to visit their website.
Where to find support and information for bereavement
At a Loss Providing the UK's signposting website for anyone bereaved and those supporting them. Click here to visit their website.
Winston's Wish Winston’s Wish supports bereaved children, young people, their families and the professionals who support them. Click here to visit their website.
Rainbow Trust Supporting families with a seriously ill child. Click here to visit their website.
Cruse A helpline to access support from trained volunteers. Click here to visit their website.
Where to find support and information for cyberbullying
National Bullying Helpline Cyberbullying - Information and advice for victims of online bullying or harassment. Click here to visit their website.
NSPCC Advice for parents and carers to help keep children safe from bullying, wherever it happens. Click here to visit their website.
Family Lives provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families. Click here to visit their website.
Where to find support and information for domestic abuse
Refuge For women and children against domestic violence. Click here to visit their website.
Women's Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. Click here to visit their website.
GOV.UK Domestic abuse: how to get help. Click here to visit their website.
Citizens Advice Domestic violence and abuse - getting help. Click here to visit their website.
Where to find support and information for drug and alcohol problems
Turning Point Drug and alcohol addiction support. Click here to visit their website.
Where to find support and information for help in managing debt
Citizens Advice Help with debt. Click here to visit their website.
Step Change Free debt advice. Click here to visit their website.
Are you a child looking for some tips/ideas to help you improve your mental health and wellbeing?
Wellbeing activities for children
Bubble Breathing Blowing bubbles is great fun, and it has an added benefit too – the deep breathing required to blow bubbles can help you to relax and feel calm. ‘Bubble breathing’ can even be done without the bubbles, any time you want to feel calm. Simply take a deep breath in through your nose, then breathe out slowly through your mouth with your lips small, as if you were going to blow a bubble. This kind of breathing leaves more room for fresh inhaled air. You can even imagine any worries you might have floating away like bubbles. Click here to visit their website.
A Jar of Smiles Stress, sadness and frustration are very real feelings that everyone has sometimes. It’s ok to feel this way sometimes, especially when things are difficult. But there are things you can do to help yourself feel better when things are troubling you. Talk about it – telling an adult, a friend, or anyone who cares about you, how you feel is important. It means that others can help you. Maybe you’ll find out that other people feel the same way. Often, just saying what’s on your mind helps you feel better – almost like magic! Focus on something else – if we are feeling negative emotions, doing something we like, or telling ourselves something more positive can sometimes help us feel a bit better. It’s important to be kind to ourselves when we are having a difficult time. Why not swap your worries for a jar full of smiles? Click here to visit their website.
Friendship Letter Exchange One of the best things for getting you through tough times is your friends. Their support and love can help you when you’re feeling like things are challenging. Your friendship can help them when they feel they need it too. Let your friends know that you are there for them by sending them a reminder in the post. Click here to visit their website.
Mindful Activities for Children
25 Fun Mindfulness Activities for Children and Teens Click here to visit their website.
10 Mindfulness Exercises for Kids Click here to visit their website.