International School Award
Charlton Manor has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom.
The International School Award is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education, such as through links with partner schools overseas. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need to live and work as global citizens.
Charlton Manor have achieved this with the work they have done with Bawa Lalvani Public School in India, through teaching Japanese to our pupils, taking part in the Floriade competition in Holland and we are currently beginning some exciting work with an orphange in Nepal called the Nepal Mary Child Center and schools in Germany, Gambia, France and Belgium.
Please click here to read our International Policy Statement.
In 2017 twenty two children and two teachers travelled all the way from China to visit our school. Read more ...
In June 2016, five members of staff visited schools in the Schezuan province of China to compare the similarities and differences between our education systems and cultures. The visit was also to develop relationships between our two countries for future exchange visits by the children. The staff and children were very welcoming and everyone had an amazing experience.
The children visited the Opal Coast in France in 2018 for the first time. It is a wonderful location, very rural with quaint streets and colourful markets. The children stayed in a beautiful modern barn conversion property set in rolling countryside.
Charlton Manor raised money to pay for the training of a teacher in Gambia who is now teaching at a temporary school named after its founder ‘Ceesay’.
We have a close relationship with a school in Bavaria which we first visited in 2012. We have worked together on many joint projects -healthy schools, creating a food garden and bee keeping. Every year we have teacher and pupil exchange visits to Bavaria which are enjoyed enormously.
Info to come.
School has supported an orphanage in Kathmandu called the ‘Nepal Mary Child help center’ for many years now and this is something we care about very much.
Charlton Manor supports the Nepal Mary child Orphanage in Kathmandu, Nepal. Staff visited Nepal to take resources for the children and to present them with a cheque for £1000 that our children raised through cake sales and other activities.
Info to come.
Coming Soon!