SEND at Charlton Manor
Our Local Offer sets out the services and support available to our pupils. It details the support already available in school as part of quality first teaching, what parents should do if they have concerns about their child's progress or development and the different stages of support a child may go through. It then details agencies which are directly funded by the school and those paid for by the Local Authority of Health Service which may be utilised if a child's needs are more complex.
At Charlton Manor pupils are supported, first and foremost, through quality first teaching and effective differentiation. However, there are times when children may need additional support to address difficulties around communication, behaviour or learning. The SENco and Inclusion Team will liaise with parents, teachers and other professionals to ensure appropriate support is put in place.
If you have any concerns around your child's learning or well-being, in the first instance please arrange to meet with their class teacher to discuss these.
SEN Support and Interventions at Charlton Manor
Children identified as having special educational needs are supported in school through the development of appropriate in class support and/or interventions. If children are taking part in interventions, they will have specific identified targets for these interventions which are monitored, and progress recorded, by the adult leading the intervention. These interventions include:
SEN Cooking Sessions
These are extra cooking sessions to support children with sensory difficulties. The children explore a range of foods through touch, taste and smell. We also use this opportunity to develop cross-curricular and speaking and listening skills.
Social Communication Groups
We run two groups, one for KS1 pupils and one for KS2. These groups are for children with a diagnosis of ASD or with social communication or social skill difficulties. The children are taught the skills needed for successful social interactions in order for them to develop and build relationships.
Attention Autism
This is a highly visual and engaging intervention designed to improve and develop shared attention. The intervention develops over time and promotes active engagement and independence.
Sensory Circuits
Some children in school require sensory input, or sensory breaks, in order for them to fully participate and engage in the school day. The sensory circuit is used for a variety of children including those with ASD and ADHD.
Horse Riding
We are extremely lucky to have several spaces allocated to us by the Riding for the Disabled Team at Charlton Park. Children have weekly sessions to support physical and emotional well-being and to develop empathy.
SEN Community Garden Sessions
Our community garden at Woodlands Farm is used for several intervention groups weekly. It is a great resource for enabling and developing sensory exploration and for kinaesthetic learning. The children learn to plant and grow fruit and vegetables and to cook them on the outdoor oven or in our school teaching kitchen. This is also a wonderful environment to develop early maths and literacy skills in a fun and kinaesthetic way.
Learning Mentor
Our Learning Mentors work with specific children and parents each week and also support children on a drop-in basis. They support children through a variety of difficult situations and provide a safe forum for children to discuss their problems. They also run a lunchtime club for children who may be finding the playground difficult.
Nurture Group
We run an afternoon nurture group for some of our KS1 children who may need extra support to access teaching and learning. The purpose of the group is to encourage speaking and listening and to develop confidence and collaborative working. The children participate in a range of team building and focus activities within a small group environment.
SaLT Groups
We have a number of children in school who have speech and language difficulties. They may struggle to retain or process information, struggle to use language to communicate or have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. We use a variety of programmes and resources to support these children including Lego therapy, shape coding, Language for Thinking and Black Sheep resources.
STEPS and Dyslexia
STEPS is a Greenwich Service made up of a team of specialists providing support for the school in the assessment of pupils with barriers to learning, training, resources and specialist dyslexia teaching. We may refer individual children in order to gain support for the class teacher or teaching assistant with advice, ideas and resources to support them. This may also include assessment of the child and an individual programme of work being written. If a teacher, teaching assistant or parent is concerned that a child may be dyslexic we would carry out an initial assessment in school. Following this we would either provide advice and support or we would refer to STEPS for a formal dyslexia assessment.