Admission Arrangements
Nursery – Parents/Carers wishing to apply for a place in the nursery should complete the Application/Admissions Form. Can you make it so people can download it) and return it to the school office along with proof of address and your child’s birth certificate. You can apply for a nursery place for your child once they have turned 2 years old but your child will not be able to start attending nursery until the term after they have turned 3 years old. Please note if your child attends nursery this does not automatically mean they will be offered a place in Reception. Parents will need to apply to Royal Borough of Greenwich who decide on where children are placed.
Your child’s entry into a primary school is decided by the local council. Parents/Carers wishing to apply for a place should complete a Common Application Form online via Greenwich Council. Please remember children who attend nursery do not automatically get offered a place in Reception.
Where there are more applicants than places, Greenwich Council applies the admission or ‘oversubscription’ criteria (after taking account of any children for whom the school is named on a statement of special educational needs). The criteria, in priority order are:
Children in care of the Authority
Siblings (brothers and sisters)
Pupils for whom it is the nearest community school
Other applicants, ranked, according to home/school distance.
For more detailed information please refer to the Greenwich Council website. Further information can be found in the booklet ‘Choosing a Greenwich Primary or Nursery School’ available from all Greenwich schools.
Our school’s in-year applications will be dealt with by 31 August at the latest each year.
If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your application you are able to appeal the decision on the Royal Borough of Greenwich website.