School Governing Body
The Governing Body
The government expects governing bodies to have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Supporting as well as holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school, its pupils and the performance management of staff
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
The governing body has statutory responsibilities for the conduct of the school and ensures high standards of educational achievement are achieved and maintained. Working with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team, the governors responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Setting targets for pupil achievement and outcomes
Managing the school's finances and ensuring value for money
Ensuring the curriculum offer is broad and balanced
Ensuring statutory legal, health & safety and other relevant duties are in place
Reviewing staff performance and pay levels.
The governing body focuses its time and energy on school improvement and has considerable discretion in deciding how to discharge its responsibilities. Governing bodies are required to constitute themselves in line with the governments regulations and to appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair. The governing body may choose to delegate responsibilities to individual governors or committees of governors. The governing body may choose to delegate many of its functions to the Headteacher, who has day to day responsibility for the running of the school.
Roles and Actions
There are a range of roles and actions the governing body or individual governors need to consider:
Constitution of the governing body – the governing body must be constituted in line with the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2003. These regulations cover the number and type (category) of governors that make up the governing body.
Terms of reference of the governing body – more information can be found on this website about the different categories, roles and committees that can be involved with being a governor. In brief, the different categories are:
Parent Governors: selected by election (or appointment if insufficient people stand for election) and drawn from parents and carers of the children at the school
Staff Governors: selected by election from teaching and support staff paid to work at the school
Co-opted Governors: appointed by the governing body to represent community interests
Local Authority Governors: appointed by the local authority
Full Governing Body:
Mrs. E. Randall – Chair of Governing Body
Mr. P. Karslake – Vice Chair of Governing Body
Mrs. A. Goold – Headteacher
Mr. J. Turner-Wing – Staff Governor
Mrs. R. Curtis – Associate Governor
Mrs. H Tull – Parent Governor
Mr. J. Carr – Parent Governor
Mr. M. Selvan – Co-opted Governor
Mrs. J. Scott – Clerk
Mr M Obalanlege – Co-opted Governor
Mr. J. Lynes – Associate Governor
Learning & Achievement Committee:
Mrs. E. Randall
Mr. J. Turner-Wing
Mrs. R. Curtis (in attendance)
Mrs. A. Goold
Mr. J. Lynes (In attendance) – Associate Governor
Resources Committee:
Mr. P. Karslake – Chair of Committee
Mrs. E. Randall
Mr. J. Turner-Wing (in attendance)
Mrs. R. Curtis (in attendance)
Mrs. A. Goold
Mr. J. Lynes (In attendance) – Associate Governor
Pay Committee:
Mrs. E. Randall
Mr M Obalanlege
Pay Appeals Committee:
Mr. J. Carr
Mr. M. Selvan
Headteacher's Performance Review:
Mrs. E. Randall
Mr. P. Karslake
Mrs. Lizzy Camp (External Improvement Advisor)
Governors with Specific Responsibilities:
SEND / Pupil Premium – Mr. J. Carr
Child Protection – Mrs. E. Randall
Looked After Children, Attendance – Mrs. H Tull
Monitoring of the curriculum is in hubs to reflect the schools working groups:
STEM – (Maths, Science, DT and Computing) – Mr. M. Selvan, Mrs. H Tull
Culture – (RSE, Humanities, MFL, PSHE) – Ms. E. Bunnage
Creative – (English, Phonics, Music, Art and PE) – Mr. J. Carr, Mrs. E. Randall
Record of any Governor Business Interests, including family relationships:
J. Turner-Wing – Staff Governor – Personal relationship with Miss. A. Friday and is the elected Chair of Governors at Newhaven/Kings Park School
Mrs. E. Randall – Chair of Governors - None
Mr. P. Karslake – None
Mrs. A. Goold – Headteacher – G&M Eternal Limited, Directorship declared
Mrs. R. Curtis – None
Mrs. H Tull – None
Mr. J Carr – None