Parents’ Club
What is Parents’ Club?
Welcome to Parents’ Club, Charlton Manor's new Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). We are here to help build closer links between school and home, where parents, staff and friends can get together and be involved. All parents and staff of the school are automatically members of our Parents Club, so please come along to one of our coffee mornings to meet others and share your ideas.
What we do?
Our aim is to create a school community, bringing parents, staff and the children together to have fun, be social and raise funds to benefit our children's educaton and facilities. Events we help organise will include the Summer Fair, Easter Fair, International Week, discos and much more. We are always looking for fresh ideas, so please let us know if you have an idea for an event we could run.
What can I do to help?
We would love as many people to be involved as possible, in whatever way they can. A little goes a long way, so even if you only have a small amount of time available every now and then, please let us know. You might just like to pop into a coffee morning to see what's coming up, or help out at one of our events. Volunteers are always needed to help with raffle tickets, man a stall for an hour, or you might like to become a class rep, or join the committee? It all goes towards building our school community and supporting your child's learning.
If you would like more information, or would like to join, please contact: Parents’ Club Charlton Manor: cmparentsclub@gmail.com