Pupil Voice
Charlton Manor Pupil Parliament
Our CMPS Pupil Parliament takes part in lots of activities including:
Listening to the views, ideas and concerns of other children
Bringing these concerns to Pupil Parliament meetings
Coming up with ideas to help improve the school and make
Leading assemblies
Meeting with School leaders, including School Governors
Thinking of ways to contribute locally and globally
Supporting fundraising activities for the school and/or charities
One of the key responsibilities of our Pupil Parliament members is to listen to the views, suggestions, and concerns of their classmates. Throughout the school year they gather feedback from their classmates on various aspects of school life, whether it’s ideas for improving the learning environment, suggestions for new school initiatives, or concerns that need to be addressed. Once these ideas and views have been collected, the Pupil Parliament members bring them to the attention of the Senior Management Team (SMT).
Our Pupil Parliament took the lead in organising and presenting an assembly about Guy Fawkes. The assembly aimed to educate students about the historical significance of Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night. During the assembly, Pupil Parliament members shared the story of the Gunpowder Plot, detailing how Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. They highlighted the reasons behind the plot, the events leading up to its discovery, and the consequences faced by those involved. The assembly also included discussions on how Bonfire Night is celebrated today, with a focus on safety.
Our Pupil Parliament played a key role in organising and promoting a successful mini marathon event for students in Years 1-6. The idea for the mini marathon came from student suggestions during class discussions, where the importance of physical activity and community events were highlighted. The Pupil Parliament took these ideas forward, working closely with teachers and the Senior Management Team to plan and promote the event. The mini marathon was a huge success, with enthusiastic participation from students across all year groups and was raised which will be used to purchase a set of balance bikes. This will enable us to continue our drive to ensure all pupils are able to cycle before leaving Charlton Manor.
Our Pupil Parliament enjoyed being the first school group in Royal Greenwich to meet with Cllr Jit Ranabhat, the new Mayor of Royal Greenwich. They took part in a debate inside the council chamber and a majority voted in favour of more school holidays!! They were also able to take part in a question & answer session with the Mayor and tell him about their work representing their classmates at school.
In addition to meeting the local Mayor Pupil Parliament also enjoyed a trip to the Houses of Parliament. They enjoyed an official tour which included a tour of the House of Commons and having a chance to be Prime Minister & Leader of the Opposition and learn about how a government is formed. We then took a walk to St James Park and saw Downing Street & Buckingham Palace.
Meet the team
From years 1 to 6:
Aria, Ziva, Maya, Samuel, Genesis, Rosie, Kabir, Jack, Dion, Sueda, Alante and Hannah
Pupil Parliament Manifesto
“We promise to listen to everyone and talk about what is important to them. We want to help to make school a better place for everyone and to make and see people smile.”
Learning in Action
Pupil Parliament have been in the kitchen, baking brownies for their Christmas Fair stall.