We are very passionate about P.E. and school sport at Charlton Manor and believe it to be an integral part of the school curriculum. We aim to ensure that every child has access to the full P.E. curriculum which encompasses the development of physical skills, knowledge and understanding in:

  • Games

  • Gymnastics

  • Dance

  • Athletics

  • Outdoor Adventurous Activities

  • Swimming

  • Fitness

We also aim to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and they are fully equipped with the knowledge and understanding to make positive health choices whilst at Charlton Manor and beyond.

With excellent resources and facilities, the children at Charlton Manor are able to experience numerous trips, tournaments and after school clubs/activities throughout the year. We enter the Borough tournaments each year which include; Football, Dodgeball, Basketball, Athletics, Tag Rugby, Tennis, Cricket and swimming.

Charlton Manor has a whole school approach towards healthy eating and lifestyles and this is supported by a P.E. curriculum/provision whereby every child has access to 2 hours of high quality P.E/sport per week.

We offer a vast range of clubs/out of learning experiences which provide children with opportunities to try new sports, train and practice as part of a team and make choices about their own daily/weekly activity levels.

As part of our continuous drive to improve the health and wellbeing of our children we offer a free circuit/fitness class every morning. The club runs from 8:25-8:55am and it is open to years 1-6 and parents/carers are encouraged to join their children. (Note this has been temporarily paused since covid).

Pupil Voice

'I like it when we do fun games and I like it when we do exercise to warm up.' (Year 1)

'P.E. makes me very happy because I like taking part in sports a lot.' (Year 2)

'P.E makes me work hard. I like all the different sports we do and it is really fun. P.E. is important because it helps get our bodies fitter' (Year 3)

'P.E. is very fun because you get to do lots of different exercises to keep your body healthy. We do lots of different sports and my favourites are Cricket and Badminton. It is important to do P.E. because we learn new skills and techniques.' (Year 4)

'P.E. and sports is my favourite lesson. I really like doing Basketball and Football and playing for the school teams. Exercise is really useful in life because it keeps us healthy.' (Year 5)

'P.E. is fun and it makes me work hard. I enjoy getting sweaty and tired by the end of the lesson' (Year 6)

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