In Memory

In memory of our dear friend and colleague Mrs. Williams.

16/07/1957 to 12/01/2024.

Mrs. A. Goold

A very warm welcome to

Charlton Manor Primary School

I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher at Charlton Manor Primary School. We have incredible pupils, who represent our school and their families so well. We have a committed and caring staff team who provide excellent teaching support to the pupils and make so many other positive contributions to the organisation of the school. We are very well supported as a school by our parents/carers and also by a team of very committed governors. We have a strong, dedicated and passionate Parent Club team which help support the school in so many areas. We work closely with the local authority at Royal Greenwich to ensure that the school continues to go from strength to strength. Our Pupil Parliament are a vital part of our school life and ensure that the voices of every child is heard.

  • Attendance

    At Charlton Manor we take attendance very seriously, after all we miss your children when they’re not here. Each week we announce the class with the highest weekly attendance from KS1/EYFS and also from KS2. Last week’s winners and their percentages are below. Well done to the winning class, let’s see if you can help your class be on here next week.

    Highest attendance for F2 and KS1:

    Blackman Class 98.9%

    Highest attendance for KS2:

    Attenborough Class 98.7%

    Highest attendance of the Autumn term 1 goes to:

    F2 and KS1 Blackman class 97.1%

    KS2 Attenborough class 98%

  • Key Dates

    OPEN DAYS (Reception 2024/25)
    10th October 2023
    – 9:30–11am
    28th November 2023
    – 1:45–3:15pm
    9th January 2024
    – 9:30–11am

    3rd November
    – Pupil Parliament - Bonfire night
    10th November – Diwali Celebrations/remembrance day
    17th November – Turing Class Assembly
    24th November – Curie Class Assembly
    1st December – Advent celebration
    8th December – KS1 nativity dress rehearsal
    15th December – KS2 Talent Show
    12th January – Lent
    19th January – Attenborough class assembly
    26th January – Malala class assembly
    2nd February – Ahlberg Class Assembly
    9th February – Blake Class Assembly
    1st March – Rosen Class Assembly
    8th March – Ramadan celebration
    15th March – Mandela class assembly
    22nd March – Holi celebration/Easter
    26th April – Darwin Class Assembly
    10th May – Seacole Class Assembly
    17th May – Rashford class assembly
    24th May – Blackman Class assembly
    21st June – KS2 Talent Show
    28th June – Jeffers class assembly
    5th July – Donaldson Class Assembly
    12th July – Sports Day Awards
    19th July – CHaMPs
    24th July – Year 6 Leavers

  • Stars of the Week

    Each week the teachers and support staff will nominate a child for our Star of the Week award. This will be for a child who has demonstrated something amazing throughout the week, has followed our 5 Golden Rules or has maybe shown a remark act of kindness to name a few reasons.

    Each week these nominations are read out in our whole school assembly and parents are informed via ParentPay.

    Below are our Stars of the Week for last week:
    Star of the week (SOTW)

    Bright - Lola
    Rosen - Prisha
    Donaldson – Millie
    Jeffers – Tassniim
    Blake - Jason
    Ahlberg - Hollie
    Blackman – Sydney
    Malala – Jayden
    Rashford - Asiya
    Seacole - Samyog
    Attenborough – Yaqoob
    Curie - Jeyhan
    Darwin - Elliana
    Turing - Rebecca
    Mandela - Antonia

    Waiter of the week: Clara and Violetta, Darwin

    Well done to you all, we are very proud of you, keep up the amazing work.

  • Head Boy 2023-24

    Kabir, Turing Class

    Some of the best things about being head boy are:

    • Discussions about improving school

    • Attending Pupil Parliament to discuss ideas with other school representatives

    • Making script PowerPoints to explain things to our peers

    My Hobbies:

    • Writing lyrics

    • Writing stories

    • Reading books

    • Sports

    • Cooking

    My favourite subjects:

    I like all subjects at school because at Charlton Manor we are taught a range of subjects and they are all very interesting, but overall, I have a few favourite subjects. My favourites are English, PE and Music. In English, each term, we have different topics (this happens in all of the subjects). We do very fun things in English, like writing biographies/autobiographies and stories based on our own fictional character. In PE, we really push ourselves and are encouraged by our PE teacher to try our hardest. Sometimes we have topics like fitness, where we do fitness tests to improve our stamina and endurance. When we do music, all of us learn new songs in our lessons that are used for our assemblies, and we do fun music games later.

    To conclude, I’m really looking forward to work with all teachers and help our school be even better. Being Head Boy is fantastic and I can’t wait to do even more. I am proud to be a pupil in Charlton Manor Primary School.

    Thank you for you making me Head Boy!

  • Head Girl 2023-24

    Emily, Turing Class

    Hi my name is Emily and I am really proud to be Head Girl because I love having responsibility and being trusted.

    My favourite subject is PE and I love everything to do with sport and music.

    I am half French, Quarter Pakistan and Quarter English but I was born in Belgium.

  • Deputy Head Girl 2023-24

    Amelia , Turing Class

    I am elated and privileged to be Deputy Head Girl. I am very excited to show how I can lead the school into greatness. I am honoured to work with teachers, Head Boy and Head Girl.

    My engagement with teachers will be much fulfilling and I want to explore my leadership skills. I want to continue a community of love and respect and I want to make the best of it in my last year of primary school.

Every child, member of staff and parent has a right to feel safe at school.
The Governors and Staff at Charlton Manor Primary School update the school’s Health and Safety policy and Safeguarding Children policy annually. These policies underpin the safe practices that are in place in the school.


Want to have a look inside some of our lessons?

Please enjoy the videos below…more coming soon.

Bucket Group - set up to help some of our children with SEN.

KS2 singing assembly.

KS2 guided reading lesson.